24 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Most Irritiating Moment On NASCAR TV, Besides TNT

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As usual, TNT just screws more and more.  The announcers don't listen to each other, poor camera shots and on the last restart of the race, a green-white-checker  restart, what did we see at the beginning?  A large building- probably a grandstand, instead of the cars.  Great shot guys.
But the most irritating part of TNT and the other network's broadcast ticker on top of the screen showing what place everyone is in, especially late in the race.  Do we really care, with 15 laps to go what place the start parkers are in, two hours after they dropped out of the race?  No, we want to to the top 20 places or at least those on the same lap, like on a road course.  Throughout the entire race, we see the drivers who have dropped out of the race or are 5 laps down, must we still see them at the most exciting time of the race?
Other than David Mayhew and his family, do we really need to know during the last 20 laps of the race, that he dropped out with 87 laps to go?  Or do we want to see if there was a pass for 5th place or where the top drivers are?
So, to the networks, towards the end of the race but down on the drivers you show on your place ticker to the top 20 or those who are within a lap or two of the leaders.  The way you do it now is irritating as hell.

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