But then she thought of her daughters and other children who may not have the same emotional shield.
Livingston took the airways Tuesday to respond to the email during a 4-minute segment on WKBT-TV in La Crosse, calling the writer a bully. She urged young viewers not to allow such people to define their self-worth.
She didn't identify the man, who wrote that he was surprised to see her physical condition hadn't improved for years. He told her that he hopes she doesn't consider herself a suitable example for young people, especially girls.
The man who wrote the email, Kenneth Krause, told The Associated Press in an interview that his emails had nothing to do with bullying.
Livingston, who has worked in broadcast journalism since 1997, said at least 1,000 people have posted supportive messages on her Facebook page and even more sent her emails. She said many wrote that they wished someone had stood up for them, including some who said they were bullied years ago "and it still haunts them today." http://www.chron.com/news/article/Wis-anchor-Viewer-criticizing-weight-a-bully-3913266.php
Right now, the media is on a campaign against bullying. It's the fad of the day and this news anchor is just riding on the coat tails on it and trying to make a name for herself.
Most media people ignore what people say about them. Look at that idiot from the Pahrump Valley Times, Matt Ward- he's a media whore and he doesn't care who he bully's and pisses off. And he probably looks like a slimy stereotypical liberal, from what I have heard. But he doesn't care what people think of him because he actually won an award for being a Nevada journalist where there was no competition.
But I digress, who really cares what this media person looks like? And she is crying what 1 person thinks about her? Get real. I'm heavier than she is and I am not going to write a blog post because someone doesn't care what I look like or what my opinions are.
So, to the media whore. Ms. Livingston, get over it and stop being the fad of the day. If you are happy with yourself, great, but don't share it with the world.
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