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From the El Paso Times: Firearms connected to Operation Fast and Furious were used in the 2010 slaying of the brother of the former Chihuahua state attorney general, according to a U.S. congressional report.Thereport said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosivestraced two of the weapons suspected in the murder of lawyer MarioGonzález RodrÃguez, but did not report this fact to the Mexicangovernment until eight months after the tracing.
The jointcongressional staff report "The Department of Justice's Operation Fastand Furious: Fueling Cartel Violence" was prepared for U.S. Sen.Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., twolawmakers who are spearheading an ongoing investigation into the ATF'scontroversial operation.
"On October 21, 2010, drug cartelmembers kidnapped Mario González RodrÃguez from his office," accordingto the 2011 congressional report. "At the time of the kidnapping, hissister Patricia González RodrÃguez was the attorney general of thestate of Chihuahua."
Mexican officials said Patricia GonzálezRodrÃguez was already on her way out because the new governor had beeninstalled and a new state prosecutor was going to be appointed.
"A few days after the kidnapping," the congressional report said, " a video surfaced on the Internetin which Mario González RodrÃguez sat handcuffed, surrounded by fiveheavily armed men wearing masks, dressed in camouflage and bullet-proofvest."...Then, Mexican federal authorities, following ashootout with drug cartel suspects, seized 16 weapons and arrestedeight men in connection with Mario González RodrÃguez's murder.
Mexican officials submitted information about the weapons to the ATF's e-trace system, and the ATF traced two AK-47s to Operation Fast and Furious.Thecongressional report said that an ATF email indicated that ATFofficials in Phoenix who knew the two assault rifles came from thecontroversial operation withheld the information from Mexican officialsuntil June 2011.
In congressional testimony, Carlos Canino, theATF's acting U.S. attaché in Mexico, said he's the one who finallynotified Mexican federal Attorney General Marisela Morales about theweapons-tracing and their link to the death of Mario GonzálezRodrÃguez.
The report said Morales was shocked and remarked, "Hijole!," which the report said translates into "Oh, my."
Caninofeared an international incident might break out with Mexico if theinformation leaked out to the news media instead of being sent throughgovernment channels. He told U.S. lawmakers that he did not want toundermine the trust that U.S. law enforcement had developed with theirMexican counterparts in the war against the drug cartels....Weapons traced back to the operation have beenrecovered in eight Mexican states and in Mexico City, and most of themwere destined for the Sinaloa drug cartel led by Joaquin "El Chapo"Guzmán, the congressional report said.
And, at least eight Fastand Furious-connected weapons were recovered at crime scenes in Juárezand four in Chihuahua City between 2010 and 2011.
The Sinaloacartel has been waging a bloody battle against the Carrillo Fuentesorganization that's killed nearly 9,500 people in Juárez alone since2008.
On Jan. 13, 2010, the El Paso Police Department seized 40rifles on the East Side that the congressional report said wereconnected to Fast and Furious. Weapons connected to the operation alsowere recovered in Columbus, N.M.
The number of Fast and Furiousweapons found at Mexican crime scenes could be higher because theinformation provided to congressional investigators remains incomplete,the report said.
Again, please remember that one of the guns in Fast and Furious was used to kill Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry:
Please tell me once again why Eric Holder and members of the ATF are still not in jail and President Obama has not been impeached because of Fast and Furious?
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