Natalia Juarez is a liberal candidate for the Mexican Congress and is running and is a member of the Democratic Revolution Party. She is drawing attention for her looks instead of her abilities (kind of like Danica Patrick?) because she is appearing commercials topless with other women.
From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: Social networking sites are buzzing with debate over a Mexicancongressional candidate who released a campaign poster showing herselftopless.
Candidate Natalia Juarez says the poster is intended to fight prejudices.
Twitter user Camila Deborarte tweeted "I'd vote for her." But ItzelGarcia responded, "What a shame! Even this way, she has to callattention to herself."
Juarez is running on the ticket of the leftist Democratic RevolutionParty. She is shown on the poster along with six other women, all ofwhom are seen covering their breasts with their left hands. Some areraising their right fists.
I just don't think this will work in the U.S. When I think about topless females in politics, I am horrified of the thought that the people baring all would be people like Shelly Berkley, Nancy Pelosi or Sharron Angle and not candidates like Juarez.
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