From Fox News: Republican lawmakers want more heads to roll over Operation Fast and Furious after a report faulted multiple agencies for letting the failed anti-gunrunning probe get out of hand -- as they cited a key section that appeared to contradict testimony by Attorney General Eric Holder.
One Justice Department official has resigned and another has retired in the wake of the inspector general report. Another 14 officials were forwarded for possible disciplinary action.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said at a hearing Thursday where Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified that "all 14" should leave the department.
Other lawmakers suggested senior officials -- particularly criminal division chief Lanny Breuer -- should at least face discipline. Further, they hammered the point that the IG report appeared to contradict Holder's testimony earlier this year in which he said wiretap applications did not reveal that gunwalking tactics were being used. ....
On Capitol Hill Thursday, lawmakers and the inspector general joined in assailing the entire operation as misguided and poorly supervised.
Horowitz testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee about a "pattern of serious failures" with the program.
Horowitz testified that "no one responsible for the case" in the U.S. attorney's office or Phoenix division of ATF "raised a serious question or concern" about the operation. Further, he said investigators found no "persuasive evidence" that supervisors raised concerns about the safety risk or the delay in arresting people who were buying and trafficking these firearms.
Read more: Border Patrol agent was killed with a gun from Fast and Furious and heads need to roll, including A.G. Eric Holder. Others on the Mexican side were also killed.
I guess murder is not a cause of termination in the Obama administration.
Finally, if the was the Bush administration, would the mainstream media be as forgiving? Yeah, I doubt it also.
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