20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

That Efficient Federal Government

From the Houston Chronicle: The running dispute over presumed-dead voters on Harris County rolls was substantially resolved Wednesday between the Texas Secretary of State's office and Harris County's tax registrar just hours before a Travis County judge issued an order that temporarily prevents the removal of names from registration lists statewide....
The local names are among more than 70,000 on a statewide list generated by the secretary of state using the Social Security Administration's master death file as required by state law. The federal agency's compilation has been determined as sometimes incorrect.  http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Dispute-over-dead-voters-in-Harris-County-is-3879081.php
Is it any wonder why Social Security and in larger terms, the federal government is so screwed up.  If the Social Security agency can't even properly determine if a person is dead or not, then our country is screwed.

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